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The Human Calculator- Priyanshi Somani
22.02.2021 justscience
Child ProdigyMathematics
Priyanshi Somani Priyanshi Somani

Anyone who has grappled with math calculations must know how difficult it is to not reach for the calculator when faced with large numbers; and if not the calculator, then a good old pen and paper to do the calculations manually. But, Priyanshi Somani is made of a different mettle. This Surat girl is known as the ‘human calculator’, and not for nothing too. Meet Priyanshi Somani- winner of numerous global awards for mental calculation of large numbers and bestowed with the moniker- ‘Human Calculator’ as a result.

Born in November 1998, Priyanshi loved playing with numbers from a young age. Recognizing her affinity for numbers, her parents, Satyen and Anju Somani, enrolled her in abacus classes- the Japanese mental calculation technique- at the age of six. Priyanshi soon mastered the nitty gritties of Abacus mental maths.
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