Mahnoor Cheema genius

Mahnoor Cheema

Mahnoor Cheema 

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Mahnoor Cheema is a remarkable  young genius with a proven IQ of 161 and a record of 34 GCSEs

Geniuses.Club latest addition to its young geniuses list is the remarkable Mahnoor Cheema who, at the age of 16, set a new world record by passing 34 subjects at the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) leve.

l In the realm of academic brilliance, there are individuals who not only surpass expectations but redefine the very limits of achievement. Mahnoor Cheema, a child prodigy of British Pakistani heritage, shines as a radiant example of the extraordinary potential that blooms through unyielding determination, intellectual acumen, and a resolute commitment to making a meaningful impact. Her extraordinary journey serves as a wellspring of inspiration that transcends borders and time, leaving an indelible mark on all who encounter her story.

Early Beginnings and Nurturing Foundations

while Mahnoor parents are originally from Lahore, Pakistan, Mahnoor herself was born in the vibrant landscapes of England, Mahnoor Cheema entered the world in 2007, embodying an innate curiosity that set her apart from her peers. Her parents, Barrister Usman Cheema and Mrs. Tayyaba Cheema, recognized her exceptional talents early on and created an environment that nurtured her natural abilities. Fuelled by curiosity and supported by her family, Mahnoor's formative years laid the groundwork for her remarkable journey.

A Triumph of Unprecedented Magnitude

At the tender age of 16, Mahnoor achieved a feat that resonated across the academic sphere. She not only embraced a staggering total of 34 subjects at the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) level but excelled in them to an unparalleled degree. While in 10th grade, and as a private candidate, she notched up a remarkable feat by securing A* grades in all 17 subjects she undertook. Yet, her journey didn't halt there—adding another 17 subjects to her repertoire, Mahnoor established an extraordinary milestone. Her name etched in history, Mahnoor set a new record for the highest number of GCSE subjects ever undertaken within the UK and the EU.

Furthermore, Mahnoor has achieved distinction in ABRSM Music Theory and Practical at Grade 8, a remarkable accomplishment that positions her among the UK's youngest aspirants of a music diploma. In addition to this, her noteworthy achievements extend to being selected as a finalist in the esteemed John Locke essay competition. The grand awards ceremony for this prestigious competition is anticipated to take place in Oxford later this year.

A Mind of Profound Brilliance: IQ Beyond Measure

Mahnoor's brilliance transcends traditional academic domains, encompassing dimensions that extend far beyond the norm. With an astonishing IQ score of 161 on the Mensa IQ Test, she joins the ranks of the world's most brilliant minds, securing a spot within the top 1% of individuals with exceptional cognitive prowess. This achievement, surpassing even the iconic IQ attributed to Albert Einstein, positions Mahnoor as a torchbearer of intellectual brilliance.

Mahnoor IQ-Similar IQ - will she beat the achievements?

What Mahnoor sounds like in person? this is what she had to say in a recent interview:

I’m a highly driven individual. I’ve always understood that hard work would be required with aspirations like mine, and I’ve never backed down from a challenge.”

I set a target and then I stay focused on it. I constantly considered the fact that I wasn’t studying just for myself, but for my family and for the people I wish to help one day. Besides this, time management has always been a skill of mine. For the past three years, I’ve had to manage my time very effectively between school and my extra subjects. I have to say that the workload has never felt particularly challenging for me, because I retain information well and always appreciate an opportunity to broaden my knowledge.

I’m a firm believer in the ‘work hard, play hard’ ethic. I put in the work, but I have leisure pursuits like any other 16-year-old. I love playing the piano, horse riding, swimming, playing chess; I go to concerts, meet up with my friends, and spend time with my family.”

A Child Prodigy with Limitless Ambitions

While her academic achievements dazzle, Mahnoor's aspirations extend far beyond the classroom. Fueled by an ardent desire to contribute to the field of medicine, she stands on the precipice of an extraordinary journey. With aspirations to study medicine at the distinguished University of Oxford, Mahnoor embraced the challenge of the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) and the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) at a mere 15 years of age. Her outstanding performance, in the 99th percentile among test-takers, underlines her resolute commitment to making a tangible difference.

Balancing Brilliance with Youthful Pursuits

Amidst her pursuit of excellence, Mahnoor's life is a tapestry woven with diverse threads. In addition to her academic pursuits, she embraces the joys typical of her age. From the melodies of the piano to the thrill of horseback rides, the invigorating waters of swimming to the cerebral challenge of chess, she encapsulates the essence of "work hard, play hard."

A Vision for the Future: Mahnoor's Odyssey

Mahnoor's journey has merely begun its ascent. With a determination to sustain excellence in every facet of her life, her unwavering dedication to medicine and her overarching aspiration to serve humanity are poised to leave an enduring legacy. As she continues to stride forward, her academic, intellectual, and personal accomplishments are set to inspire the world - only if her base achievement will fulfill actual intellectual contributions.

An Exceptional Beacon

In Mahnoor Cheema, the world bears witness to an exceptional beacon who refuses to be confined by norms or age. Her accomplishments stand as a living testament to the boundless power of dreams, unwavering resolve, and resolute diligence. As she blazes her trail, Mahnoor's narrative serves as a poignant reminder that the extraordinary is achieved through an unyielding spirit and an insatiable pursuit of excellence. 

Mahnoor mother proud words says it all:

Our daughter’s achievements break a long-held European record as this is the first time a feat like this has ever been accomplished across the UK or EU. We are over the moon

We wish Mahnoor to set huge goals - and get them all, for her and for our sake.  

Mahnoor - Dream big! Achieve greatness! 

More facts

Gender: Female
Best Known For: achieving 34 GCSE subjects & IQ score of 161
Fulfilled his Potential: On the making
Father’s Name: Usman Cheema
Father’s Occupation: English Barrister
Mother’s Name: Tayyaba Cheema
Resident Of: England
Citizen Of: United Kingdom
Mahnoor Cheema
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