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When Thomas Jefferson rewrote the Bible
28.12.2020 Kevin Spinale
Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson

No U.S. president thus far has sworn the oath of office with his hand on the “Jefferson Bible.” On April 30, 1789, in New York City, George Washington took the presidential oath while placing his hand on a Masonic Bible that had been published in 1767. It was opened at random, and the historical record notes that the verse Washington’s hand fell upon was Genesis 49:13—an odd snippet at the end of the book.

Presidents Warren Harding, Dwight Eisenhower (his first inaugural), Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush (first inaugural) used Washington’s Masonic Bible while swearing to protect and defend the Constitution. Barack Obama took his oath of office as he placed his hand on the same Bible Lincoln chose for his first inaugural.
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