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Walter O’Brien: Inspiring Genius Around the Globe
25.08.2021 Matthew Seukunian
Computer Science
Walter O Walter O'Brien (Obrien)

A scientifically momentous few people have walked on the moon. Believe it or not, fewer people have a major network television show based upon their lives air while they are living.

Dubbed a “30-year overnight success,” Walter O’Brien was born the son of a humble dairy farmer in rural Ireland. So rural, in fact, he notes that they still don’t have Internet or cell phone coverage to this day.

O’Brien never fit in and always asked too many questions which, lucky for him, led to an IQ test. Yes, it’s higher than yours or mine – his reported 197 is one of the highest ever measured. O’Brien, now aware of his ability, would spend his adolescent years learning to code through trial and error, and by 13 he had deftly obtained NASA shuttle blueprints and successfully hacked NASA.
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