The research on the pioneering works of John Lough's and Richard N. Schwab as well as more recent studies, have made it possible to develop and refine the inventory of D'Alembert's contributions to the Encyclopédie. The current study was carried out within the scope of a project on a digital, collaborative, and critical edition of the Encyclopédie named ENCCRE (standing for Edition Numérique Collaborative et CRitique de l'Encyclopédie).
This inventory especially includes the list of the articles bearing D'Alembert's mark (O), and when the latter does not appear, of the articles that may be attributed to him in the 17 volumes of texts published between 1751 and 1765. In this paper, we will describe the state of research on this part of D'Alembert's contributions to the Encyclopédie, focusing especially on the delicate but essential methodological issues raised by the delimitation of this corpus.