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Child Prodigy Adora Svitak Speaks with
03.09.2021 Douglas Fehlen
Adora Svitak Adora Svitak Can you tell us about your books 'Dancing Fingers' and 'Flying Fingers,' including when and why you wrote them?

Adora Svitak: My first book, Flying Fingers, is a compilation of short stories that I wrote between the ages of six and seven. By the time I was seven I'd written hundreds of short stories, but I felt they didn't have a genuine audience. I wanted to put out a book to get a larger readership, so I decided to publish Flying Fingers. 

My second book, Dancing Fingers, is a collection of poetry from my sister Adrianna and me. We published it when I was 11 and she was 13. Dancing Fingers is arranged thematically, into categories like 'Common Nonsense' (humorous poems), 'Reflections' (reflective poems) and 'Leaves, Stars and Stones' (nature poems). My sister's poems are very different from mine, and the variety in style and theme shows readers that there's no one way to write poetry.
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