This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1750 edition. Excerpt: ...of that Immortality with which wfc may flatter ourfelves here beloiv, and of a Space, "which tho' fhort yet appears a Kind of Eternity, in rthe Eyes of human Weaknerfe, If the Names of lltirtye arid Africa are ftill Iafl ing, if that of America will laft for u great Number of Ages, as we cannot doubt; why:ftiould:not the Name-of him be immortal, 'who fhould teach inadvertent Men prejudiced in Favour of the contrary Opinion, that this-Globe which they inhabit has been formed in the Bofom df the Sea, and afterwards fliew, by the Diminution of the Waters, how long it is fince the Earth appeared above them, and QW ipng it has been inhabited?
Telliamed; Discourses Between an Indian Philosopher
$ 15.32