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Genius Quotes
genius maimonides genius gza genius arthur wellesley genius john sulston
John Dryden
John Dryden
An English poet, literary critic, translator, and playwright who was appointed England's first Po...
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
A Spanish Baroque painter best known for his religious works.
Neoplatonist philosopher and mathematician who was a prominent thinker of the Neoplatonic school ...
Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
An English poet and author who is credited as the creator of modern English poetry and literature...
Chris Hirata *05: Studying the Far Side of the Final Frontier

Chris Hirata *05: Studying the Far Side of the Final Frontier

Chris Hirata *05 has always been ahead of his time. In elementary school, he was doing calculus and advanced physics. At 14, when he was about to graduate from high school and begin college at Caltech, a Chicago Tribune headline read, “Move Over, Einstein.” The prodigy is a child no more, but he does have Einstein on the brain. Hirata, a 35-year-old physics professor at Ohio State University, is striving to understand the history, structure, and ultimate fate of the universe — and whether Einstein’s general relativity theory holds up over the universe’s 13.8 billion-year existen...

Chris Hirata *05: Studying the Far Side of the Final Frontier Composer Gian Carlo Menotti’s Four-Story Townhouse in Italy The Poetry of Robert Burns: “A Melancholy not unallied to Mirth.” Sor Juana, Founding Mother of Mexican Literature
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